玖城牌二硫化钼润滑脂 JC Molybdenum Disulphide Grease玖城牌二硫化钼润滑脂 产品型号:HP0 HP1 HP2 HP3 产品描述:玖城牌二硫化钼润滑脂采用12羟基硬脂酸锂皂稠化深度精制的矿物基础油,添加二硫化钼抗磨添加剂精制而成。 产品特点: 优异的极压抗磨性能,摩擦系数低,承载能力强。 优良的金属表面吸附性和防锈性,工作温度范围宽泛。 优异的耐水冲刷性能和耐腐蚀性能,抗氧化性能好。 优良的机械安定性和胶体安定性,极长的使用寿命。 产品应用: 用于中重负荷设备的轴承、联轴节、齿轮等部位的润滑。 用于温度变化范围大,带有冲击或振动负荷的轴承润滑。 用于某些轴瓦、轴销、滑轨、齿轮、链条和钢丝绳的润滑。 用于冶金、矿山企业的中重负荷设备的轴承、联轴节、齿轮等部位润滑。 使用温度:-30℃~180℃
产品编号 HP0 HP1 HP2 HP3
JC Molybdenum Disulphide Grease Product number:HP0 HP1 HP2 HP3 product description:JC Molybdenum disulphide grease is using of Mineral base oil for deep thickening of 12 hydroxystearate lithium stearate soap,add molybdenum disulfide antiwear additive refined. Performance characteristics: Excellent extreme pressure and abrasion resistance, low friction coefficient and strong bearing capacity. Excellent metal surface adsorption and rust resistance, wide range of working temperature. Excellent water resistance and corrosion resistance, good oxidation resistance. Excellent mechanical stability and colloidal stability, very long service life. Recommended use: Used for lubrication of bearing, coupling, gear and other parts of heavy duty equipment. Used for lubrication of bearings with a large range of temperature variations with impact or vibration loads. Used for lubrication of certain bearing shells, axle pins, slide rails, gears, chains and wire ropes. Used for the lubrication of bearing, coupling, gear and other parts of heavy duty equipment in metallurgy and mining enterprises. Temperature range:-30℃ to 180℃ 玖城牌二硫化钼润滑脂的典型数据:Typical data of JC Molybdenum disulphide grease: